Ahojte, dostupná je nová verzia 5.5.7 Therionu.
- najviditeľnejšia zmena z môjho pohľadu je oprava „zobákov “ v 3d modely, po vykompilovaní verziou 5,5,7 už nebudú…
verzia 5.5.6 verzia 5.5.7
Prehľad zmien v angličtine:
v5.5.7 Therion 5.5.7 (2021-02-06):
* added –generate-output-crc, –verify-output-crc options
* error raised when unknown command line option used
* version number ends with ‚-dev‘ if there are uncommitted local changes
* optimizations:
– much faster processing of fixed stations with associated CRS data
– faster check for optional fonts
* bugs fixed:
– survey selection ignored when exporting 3d model from splay shots
– „cs local“ bugfix
– scrap 3d reconstruction spike artifact fix
– selection logging bugfix
– svg/xhtml map export without filename creates cave.pdf file
* better detection of wx-config variants
* innosetup.ini is generated in the build directory
A prečo to tie zobáky robilo vieme?
ano, robilo to vtedy ked koncila chodba otvorenym koncom, teda mozne pokracovanie, nebol uzavrety tah ciary wall.